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01-Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences
An International Journal


Volumes > Volume 17 > No. 5


Generalization of Renyi’s Entropy and its Application in Source Coding

PP: 941-948
Ashiq Hussain Bhat, Niyamat Ali Siddiqui, Ismail A Mageed, Shawkat Alkhazaleh, Vidyanand Rabi Das, M. A. K Baig,
In this paper, we introduce a new generalization of Renyis entropy β(P) and the most important feature of this generalized entropy Rαβ (P) is that it derives most important entropies that are well known and influence information theory and applied mathematics. Some significant properties of Rαβ (P) has been undertaken in this article. In addition, we introduce a new generalized exponentiated mean codeword length Lβα (P) in this article then determine how Rβα (P) and Lβα (P) are related in terms of source coding theorem.

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