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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 1


The Feeling of Psychological Security After the Corona Pandemic and Its Relationship to The Motivation for Achievement Among Gifted Students

PP: 519-533
A. A. Al-Harthy,
The research aims to try to reveal the level of feeling of psychological security among talented university students after the Corona pandemic and its relationship to motivation for achievement, and the differences between female students of theoretical and applied colleges in the extent of a sense of psychological security and motivation for achievement After the Corona pandemic, the research tools (psychological security scale, and the achievement motivation scale) were applied after verifying their psychometric characteristics, on a total sample of (211) talented female students of Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, including (102 female students in theoretical colleges, and 109 female students in applied colleges). The results indicated that (15.69%) of female students of theoretical colleges have an average sense of psychological security, and (84.31%) have a sense of psychological insecurity, while (100%) of students of applied colleges do not have a sense of psychological security, and from the total sample, the percentage of those who have an average sense of psychological security (7.58%), and the percentage of ((92.42%) have a sense of psychological insecurity after the Corona pandemic. The results also found a significant and positive correlation between the sense of psychological security and the motivation for achievement for the research sample, And the presence of statistically significant differences between female students in theoretical and applied colleges of gifted women on the scale of psychological security in the direction of students of theoretical faculties, they are more psychologically secure after the Corona pandemic, and on the scale of motivation for achievement in the direction of students of applied colleges, they are more motivated to achieve after the Corona pandemic.

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