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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 1


Sampling Plan for Lab Extracted Beverages Data with Multiple Dependent States Using the Odd Log-Logistic Distribution

PP: 157-168
Arnold Kabyemela Fulment, Gadde Srinivasa Rao, Josephat Kirigiti Peter,
In this paper, we propose a Multiple Dependent State Sampling (MDSS) plan for decision-making on lot acceptance/rejection based on properties of current and preceding lots sampled. The plan uses the Odd Log-Logistic Generalized Exponentiated (OLLGE) distribution to determine the median life of the product through a truncated-time life test. Optimal parameters such as sample size, acceptance/rejection numbers, and preceding lots are obtained using the operating characteristic curve (OC-curve). The plan’s performance is compared to that of single sampling (SS) plans using Lab Extracted Beverages data sets on carbon dioxide pressure (MPa).

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