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Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 3


Feelings of Students When Experience Online Learning During The Prevention Of Covid 19: Case In Vietnam

PP: 903-917
Phung D. Quang, Pham Q. Khoai, Nguyen H. Thinh, Nguyen V. Hoang, Luu T. Van Anh,
In the context of the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic and foreign higher education institutions have implemented full-time online training to meet the learning needs of students. This study was conducted to assess students perceptions of the form of full-time training at higher education institutions in Hanoi City when participating in online learning during the response to the epidemic. The survey was deployed through the Google Form, sent to full-time University students and collected 2230 responses. This study uses four components of Shee and Wangs web-based E- Learning system assessment structure [4], which includes: Learner Interface, Content, Personalization, Learning Community. Research results show that the level of student satisfaction about the above four components is above average, there is a difference in the level of student satisfaction about the above four components and there are eight types of birth difficulties. students most often when experiencing fully online learning. Simultaneously, the study uses a multivariate regression model to analyze the influence of student satisfaction on four structural components of the online learning system on student learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the results show that as satisfaction increases, students learning outcomes also increase.

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