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Water, Energy, Food and Environment
An International Journal


Volumes > Volume 4 > No.02


Solar Desalination by Humidification Dehumidification, A Critical Review

PP: 43-99
Esraa Khaled Mohamed, Ahmed Soliman, Omar El- Farok, Seif Fateen, Ibrahim Ismail, Khlaed El Metwaly,
Most of desalination processes require a large amount of energy derived from natural gas and oil, which are non-renewable energy, for supply heat and electric energy. So, this paper depends on solar energy as a source of renewable energy, and can be powered for producing fresh water. The method used to build up the system is solar desalination by humidification dehumidication, the advantages of this system is can be applied on large and small scale, simple design of equipment, and doesn’t require high temperature, so many type of solar collector can be used in humidification dehumidication, also hybrid humidification dehumidication with another driving system achieve high productivity with low cost than humidification dehumidication only, from examples of hybrid systems are thermal PV panels, vapor compression refrigeration system and geothermal energy, all of this could be choice for hybridization with humidification dehumidication system.

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