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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 3


The Role of Television in Developing Creative and Innovative Ideas Among University Youth: A Field Study on a Sample of University Youth in the United Arab Emirates

PP: 1013-1022
M. H. K. Al-Taei, N. R. Alsalhi, A. Alzoubi,
University youth. Diagnosing young peoples motives in radio programs and diagnosis. The skills that young people see in their development and standing, and their interconnectedness in television in their marketing, especially since creativity and innovation are among the skills that can be cultivated in individuals, through a stage based on interesting scientific development that inspires creativity and innovation among young people, such as: competitions Scientific programs that stimulate the thinking process and puzzle programs related to the areas related to roads and military status. Developing scientific programs that motivate young people to develop their skills in developing their skills in developing their skills in developing their skills in project development and development programs. That is the essence of this study, which led us to the following results: The field results confirmed that 59% of the sample members believe that Arab programs contribute to marketing and developing creative and innovative skills for Arab youth, compared to 41% who believe in the contribution of foreign programs. Results related to the motives of exposure to programs concluded that 17% are motivated by acquiring new knowledge and scientific experiences, 11% are motivated by learning about the latest discoveries, 41.5% are exposed to learning innovative ways to solve problems, 18% are exposed to entertainment and leisure, and 10.5% are exposed to programs motivated by learning about peoples cultures, and 6% motivated by self- discovery.

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