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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 1


Early Childhood Mathematics Curriculum in the light of the standards of the National Council of Mathematics Teachers

PP: 469-478
Rania H. Elwan, Ibtesam A. Y. Hussain, Hanan A. A. Ebrahim, Norhan A, H. H. Nounou, Sabrin A. Labib, Raghad F. A. Alqahtani, Sarah M. Altamimi,
This study aims at exploring the preschool mathematics curriculum in light of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards. The study researched a sample of (140) preschool educators. An analysis of the mathematical content of preschool Self-Learning curriculum was conducted, and Saudi preschool educators were surveyed, in terms of their educational practices, and the processes used in teaching mathematics in their classes In accordance with the U.S. national standards for mathematicians, it means the methods in which children interact with sports content or content, namely (problem solving- communication- logical thinking - representation - Connection), where the study showed that the reality of the components of the mathematics curriculum applied in kindergartens within Saudi Arabia achieved these standards at these levels was The application of representation, communication and connectivity are the most achieved in the self-learning curriculum units with ratios of (86.4%, 83%, 82%), respectively, while problem-solving and logical thinking have reached the minimum use in the classroom, indicating that these processes are the least interested in application from the sample point of view, with 80%, respectively, using them (80%, 67.80%), despite the critical importance of these two processes specifically in building mathematical concepts as they focus on the ability of the child to be focused on the ability of the child. To use his accumulated sports skills to meet challenges such as predicting and examining hypotheses in order to find a scientific solution to the sports situation.

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