Radiological Dose Assessment to the Public from Mining Activities in Adamawa State, Nigeria |
PP: 33-40 |
Author(s) |
Samson Dauda Yusuf,
Soja, Reuben Joseph,
Ibrahim Umar,
Abstract |
Mining activities in Adamawa is exposing the public residing around the mining environs to high radiation dose due to exposure to radioactivity. This study assessed the external and internal radiation dose received by the public as a result of mining activities in Adamawa State using sodium Iodide (NaI) detector. The activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in soil from four selected mining locations were determined, Microshield computer code was used in estimating external dose and Integrated Module for Bioassay Analysis (IMBA) code was used in estimating internal dose from inhalation. Result shows that, the total mean activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K from all mining sites are all above the UNSCEAR standard limits of 35Bq/kg 30Bq/kg and 400Bq/kg. The mean external dose rates were 1.15E-05mSv/yr, 5.36E-06mSv/yr, 3.79E-06mSv/yr, and 4.43E-06mSv/yr for mining sites S-A, S-B, S-C, and S-D. While the mean total inhalation doses were 3.68E-04mSv/yr, 3.84E-04mSv/yr, 3.64E-04mSv/yr, and 2.90E-04mSv/yr for mining sites S-A, S-B, S-C, and S-D respectively. Although the doses are lower than the ICRP recommended public dose boundary of 1mSv/yr, accumulation of low exposure dose has the possibility of resulting to stochastic effects over a long period. Attention should be given to mining location S-A and S-B due to high activity concentration, external dose and inhalation dose. |