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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 2


Discrete Kumaraswamy Erlang-Truncated Exponential Distribution with Applications to Count Data

PP: 725-739
Hussein Eledum, Alaa R. El-Alosey,
This paper defines the discrete Kumaraswamy Erlang-truncated exponential distribution (DKw ETE) using the general approach of discretizing a continuous distribution while retaining its survival function. The statistical properties of the DKw ETE distribution, such as the quantile function, moments, moment generating function, Re ́nyi entropy, and order statistics, are studied. The maximum likelihood (ML) method is utilized to estimate the model’s parameters. In contrast, the stress-strength parameter is derived and estimated using the ML method. Finally, the proposed distribution’s importance is explained by application to a real data set.

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