On Analytical and Numerical Study for the Peyrard- Bishop DNA Dynamic Model |
PP: 749-759 |
Author(s) |
Khalid K. Ali,
M. Ismail Abdelrahman,
K. R. Raslan,
Waleed Adel,
Abstract |
In this work, the Peyrard-Bishop DNA dynamic model is being investigated through three analytical and numerical techniques. The Kudryashov method and modified Kudryashov method for analytical solutions as well as the B-spline method for numerical verification are those methods that are utilized for solving the presented problem. The results obtained from these techniques are then compared through tables and an excellent agreement between them is noticed. We give some figures to show how accurate the solutions will be obtained from analytical and numerical methods. These methods have the advantages of providing accurate results besides being straightforward and docent requiring any complex computations. |