Estimation of Annual Effective Dose due to Intake of Radionuclides from Total Diet of Lebanese Population |
PP: 73-78 |
Author(s) |
Rana Baydoun,
Omar El Samad,
Abstract |
Natural and artificial radionuclides could enter the food chain and reach the human being via ingestion. Hence,
several studies were conducted to assess public dose due to food ingestion. In this work, a total of 388 food samples were
collected and analyzed during the period 2016-2020 in order to determine activity concentrations of present radionuclides
and to estimate annual effective dose due to ingestion. The samples covered the majority of the constituents of food groups
of the total Lebanese diet, fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, several milk powder brands, canned food, cereals and
pulses. Ceasium-137 was detected in milk samples in a range of 0.30±0.04 Bq kg-1
to 2.00±0.08 Bq kg-1
, and its content
was lower than minimum detectable activity in other food species. The main natural radionuclides contributing in the
public dose were 4
0K in various food species and 210Po and 210Pb in fish. Their activity concentrations were presented and
discussed. The total annual doses due food ingestion in the years 2016-2020 were 0.247 mSv year-1
, 0.296 mSv year-1
0.311 mSv year-1
, 0.202 mSv year-1
, 0.171 mSv year-1
respectively with an average value of 0.245 mSv year-1
, a value
comparable to the worldwide average value of internal dose due to ingestion 0.3 mSv year-1
. ANOVA test showed that
there are no significant differences between estimated doses over years. Spearman correlation test proved that there is
strong correlation between annual effective dose and consumption rate.