Probability Distribution and Measure of Statistical Entropy |
PP: 33-48 |
Author(s) |
Selina B. Balderas,
Rohitha Goonatilake,
Abstract |
Enthalpy and entropy are complex concepts in thermodynamics that are not usually used in everyday life, as we do not take the time to calculate the energy needed to a heat a cup of water to make tea or coffee. However, these two states are fundamental for the emergence of innovative ideas in various fields of science by improving upon existing ideas to obtain larger number of products with the maximum output of usable energy in a system. We know the modern world is characterized by high energy consumption; therefore, there are several scientists and analysts continuously investigating new methods to achieve a more efficient use of energy. In this paper, we will focus on classical and quantum physics in the subject of thermodynamics. We apply the advantages of statistical analysis to make the relationship between entropy and the number of micro-states in a system. The resulting work is microscopically characterized by a volume, energy, temperature, or number of particles that gives us a way to justify thermodynamics behavior at a microscopic level.
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