The Exponentiated Gamma-Pareto Distribution with Application to Bladder Cancer Susceptibility |
PP: 39-56 |
Author(s) |
Ahmad Alzaghal,
Abstract |
In this paper, the exponentiated gamma-Pareto distribution is introduced and investigated. Some existing distributions, such as the gamma-Pareto and the exponentiated Pareto, are special cases of the exponentiated gamma-Pareto distribution. Some of its properties, including distribution shapes, limit behavior, hazard function, Re ́nyi and Shannon entropies, moments, and deviations from the mean and median are discussed. The method of maximum likelihood is used to estimate the exponentiated gamma-Pareto distribution parameters and a simulation study is carried out to assess its performance. The flexibility of the exponentiated gamma- Pareto distribution is illustrated by applying it to a real data set and the results are compared with other distributions.