A Generalized Transformation Function that Transforms Multiplicative Preference Relation into Fuzzy Preference Relation in MPDM |
PP: 267-273 |
Author(s) |
M. Vijaya Lakshmi,
B. Sridevi,
Abstract |
This paper proposes a generalized transformation function that transforms multiplicative preference relation (MPR) into fuzzy preference relation (FPR) in multi criteria decision making (MCDM). In analytic hierarchy process (AHP), reciprocal multiplicative preference relation is considered to be the preference representation and in fuzzy majority based selection, FPR acts as uniform representation element. Though, the effectiveness of AHP is to find incompatible judgments, it does not take into account the uncertainty to a number. In decision making problems (DMP) , the lack of consistency leads to get the inconsistent solutions. By exploiting this proposed transformation, it is possible to find a preference of alternatives with strongly consistent solutions in decision making processes. This work is an improvement to the existing work of Herrera et., al.,.