Bayesian Inference on Progressive-Stress Accelerated Life Testing for the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring |
PP: 109-126 |
Author(s) |
M. M. Mohie El-Din,
A. M. Abd El-Raheem,
Fathy H. Riad,
M. M. Amein,
E. H. Hafez,
Abstract |
In this paper, a progressive-stress accelerated life test (ALT) under progressive type-II censoring is considered. The cumulative exposure model is used when the lifetime of test units follows the exponentiated weibull distribution (EW). Moreover, the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) and Bayes estimates (BEs) of the model parameters are obtained. Furthermore, the approximate and credible confidence intervals (CIs) of the estimators are derived. The accuracy of the MLEs and BEs for the model parameters is investigated through the simulation studies. Finally, the simulation studies are used to compare between two different designs of the progressive-stress test (simple ramp-stress test and multiple ramp-stress test).