Analysis of Hybrid Censored Competing Risks Model with Bathtub-Shaped Failure Time Distribution |
PP: 63-72 |
Author(s) |
Pramendra Singh Pundir,
Puneet Kumar Gupta,
Abstract |
The mixture of type-I and type-II censoring schemes, called the hybrid censoring scheme is quite common in life-testing
or reliability experiments. In this study, we consider the estimation problem of competing risk model when the data obtained from
the experiments are hybrid censored. It is assumed that the latent cause of failure have independent Chen distributions with common
shape parameter. Maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates of the model parameters are obtained. MCMC techniques like Metropolis-
Hastings algorithm and Gibbs sampler has been utilized to obtain Bayes estimates. At the end, a real data study is attempted to establish
the applicability of the proposed model. |