On the fine spectrum of the operator Ēv over the sequence spaces c and lp; (1 < p < 1) |
PP: 635-654 |
Author(s) |
A. M. Akhmedov,
S. R. El-Shabrawy,
Abstract |
The purpose of this paper is threefold: first to mainly review several recent results concerning
the fine spectrum of the operator Ēv over the sequence spaces c and lp, where
1 < p < 1; second to provide some new results concerning the residual spectrum
and the continuous spectrum of the operator Ēv over the sequence spaces c and lp; and
third to modify the definition of the operator Ēv and to determine the fine spectrum of
the modified operator over the sequence spaces c and lp, where 1 < p < 1. Also, it
may be helpful to provide some comments and examples to support our results. |