Energy of the Emitted Radiation from Relativistic Positrons Channeled Through Perfect Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube |
PP: 9-20 |
Author(s) |
M. K. Abu-Assy,
Abstract |
We calculate the energy of the emitted radiation from positrons channeled in carbon nanotubes. In this work we consider the channeled positrons move along the nanotube axis, with energies (10-500) MeV. This study covers perfect single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), with different chiral indices (n,m). The channeling potential has been calculated by using the continuum model approximation given by Lindhard for the case of an axial channeling in single crystals. The maximum number of bound states and the energy eigenvalues were calculated by using the WKB method. The energy eigenvalues of positron, in a plane normal to the nanotube axis, have been used to calculate the channeling radiation energy. The results of the calculations showed that, in this energy range, the energy of the emitted radiation lies in the X-ray band and as the energy of the incident positron increase, the energy of the emitted radiation increases toward the gamma-ray energy band, and for all values of positron energy, the wave length of the emitted radiation was found to be a decreasing function of the nanotube radius while the maximum number of bound states of the channeled positrons is an increasing function of the nanotube radius for different types of SWCNTs. PACS: 61.85.+p; 61.46.Fg; 41.75.Ht |