Choice of a Substrate for PdxNi1-x Thin Films used as Hydrogen Sensors |
PP: 169-171 |
Author(s) |
M. K. Loudjani,
Abstract |
In this work we studied the effect of the order at the interface of a Pd20Ni80 thin film deposited on different substrates on the electric resistance (R) thin film. We analyzed the fluctuations of the electric resistance (R) of Pd20Ni80 thin film after 1000 measurements. The relative error of the electric resistance (R/R) of a Pd20Ni80 thin film is minimal when the surface of the substrate is ordered, obtained with an -alumina single crystal substrate, while this ratio presents a strong drift in the absence of order at the interface when the substrate used is an amorphous silica glass. After 1000 measurements at strong current (I = 50 mA), the mean relative error of the electric resistance of the Ni80Pd20 films deposited on an -alumina single crystal is 33 times weaker than the relative error of the electric resistance obtained for the same film deposited on silica glass. |