Effects of viscosity and stiffness on amplitude ratios in microstretch viscoelastic media |
PP: 321-341 |
Author(s) |
Nidhi Sharma,
Sachin Kaushal,
Rajneesh Kumar,
Abstract |
The present investigation is concerned with the reflection and transmission of plane
waves at an imperfect interface between two microstretch visoelastic half-spaces of
different properties. It is shown that there exist four waves which comprises of two
sets of coupled waves. The expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients
which are the ratios of the amplitude of reflected and transmitted waves to the angle of
incident wave are obtained and deduced for normal force stiffness,transverse force stiff-
ness, transverse couple stiffness, microstress stiffness and perfect bonding. The numer-
ical results obtained have been illustrated graphically to understand the behavior of am-
plitude ratios versus angle of incidence of longitudinal displacement wave(LD-wave),
longitudinal microstretch wave(LMS-wave)and coupled transverse displacement and
microrotational wave(CD I-wave). It is found that the amplitude ratios of various re-
flected and transmitted waves are affected by the stiffness and viscosity of the media.
Some special cases of interest have been deduced from the present investigation. |