A New Class of Laguerre-Based Poly-Euler and Multi Poly-Euler Polynomials |
PP: 113-120 |
Author(s) |
N. U. Khan,
T. Usman,
Abstract |
In this paper, we introduce a new class of Laguerre Poly-Euler and Laguerre multi Poly-Euler polynomials. The concept
of Poly-Euler number E(k)
n (a,b), generalized Poly-Euler polynomials E(k)
n (x;a,b, e) of Jolany et al., Hermite-Bernoulli polynomials
HBn(x, y) of Dattoli et al., HB(a)
n (x, y) of Pathan and Khan and Hermite based Poly-Euler polynomials HE(k)
n (x, y;a,b, e) of Khan are
generalized to the one LE(k)
n (x, y, z;a,b, e). Some implicit summation formulae and general symmetry identities arising from different
analytical means and applying generating functions. |