Spectra of Quark-Antiquark Bound States via Two Derived QCD Potentials |
PP: 7-14 |
Author(s) |
M. S. Ali,
A. M. Yasser,
G. S. Hassan,
Ch. C. Moustakidis,
Abstract |
In the current paper, we propose two types of quark-antiquark(Q ¯Q) interactions, which may be tailored to describe various
meson sectors. The interactions contain Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) inspired components, such as the Coulomb-like interaction,
the confinement linear potential, and the spin-spin interaction. Our scheme relies on the non-relativistic quark model through the
introduction of two derived QCD potential models and the matrix method numerical scheme. The application of the two proposed
potentials resulted in spectra for quark-antiquark bound states, which are compared with published experimental data. We found that
one of the two potentials is favored over the other in terms of high precision comparisons. |