Effects of Environment on Atom-Cavity, Atom-Atom and Cavity-Cavity Entanglement |
PP: 17-26 |
Author(s) |
Biplab Ghosh,
Abstract |
We investigate the various types of entanglement such as atom-cavity entanglement, atom-atom entanglement and cavitycavity
entanglement in an ideal cavity as well as their evolution in presence of cavity dissipation or environment. We quantify the
various entanglement in ideal situation and they are plotted versus the Rabi angle gt. Next, we discuss the above cases in presence of
cavity dissipation. Basically we present a comparative study of atom-cavity, atom-atom and cavity-cavity entanglement for ideal and
realistic situation using two entanglement measures concurrence and the negativity or logarithmic negativity. We have seen sudden
death of entanglement in finite time induced by environment for large value of cavity leakage parameter k. |