Log-Logistic Generated Weibull Distribution: Model, Properties, Applications and Estimations Under Progressive Type-II Censoring |
PP: 221-232 |
Author(s) |
Alaa H. Abdel-Hamid,
Nahla A. Albasuoni,
Abstract |
Composition of distribution functions is considered one of the methods that generate new distributions. In this paper, a new
distribution is obtained by composing a log-logistic distribution with a Weibull distribution. The new distribution has decreasing and
unimodal shapes of the hazard rate function which make it suitable to fit several real data. Some properties of the new distribution are
investigated. Based on progressive type-II censoring, the maximum likelihood, moments and probability weighted moments estimation
methods for the involved parameters are studied and compared through a simulation study. The asymptotic confidence intervals for the
parameters are also obtained based on asymptotic variance-covariance matrix. Finally, real data are used to compare the new distribution
with four lifetime distributions based on five comparison criteria. The comparison shows that the new distribution is better to fit the
data than the other four distributions. |