The Effect of Logarithmic Mesonic Potential on the Magnetic Catalysis in the Chiral Quark-Sigma Model. |
PP: 5-9 |
Author(s) |
M. Abu-Shady,
Abstract |
The chiral symmetry breaking in the presence of external magnetic field is studied in the framework of logarithmic quarksigma
model. The effective logarithmic mesonic potential is employed and is numerically solved in the mean-field approximation.
We find that the chiral symmetry breaking enhances in comparison with the original sigma model. Two sets of parameterization are
investigated in the present model. We find that decreasing coupling constant g enhances the chiral symmetry breaking while increasing
sigma mass ms enhances the chiral symmetry breaking. A comparison with the Numbu-Jona-Lasinio model and the Schwinger-Dyson
equation is discussed. We conclude that the logarithmic sigma model enhances the magnetic catalysis in comparison with the original
sigma model and are qualitative agreement with other models. |