Deformation in Porous Thermoelastic Material with Temperature Dependent Properties |
PP: 132-147 |
Author(s) |
R. Kumar,
S. Devi,
Abstract |
A general solution to the field equations of thermoelastic material with one relax-
ation time (Lord and Shulman theory) with voids under the dependence of modulus of
elasticity and thermal conductivity on reference temperature has been obtained in the
transformed domain using Laplace and Fourier transforms due to mechanical and ther-
mal sources.The uniformly or linearly (instantaneous or continuous)distributed sources
have been taken to show the utility of the solution obtained. The transformed solutions
are inverted using a numerical inversion technique.The effect of dependence of modu-
lus of elasticity on the normal stress, changes in volume fraction field and temperature
distribution have been depicted graphically for Lord and Shulman theory(L-S)and cou-
pled theory(CT) of thermoelasticity, with voids for a particular model.Some particular
cases are also deduced from the present formulation |